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Prof. Yumeng Shi

深圳大学特聘教授博士生导师,科睿唯安(Clarivate Analytics) 物理类高被引学者,国家海外人才引进项目青年项目获得者(2016年)深圳高层次海外人才B类,南山领航人才,广东省二维材料信息功能器件及系统工程中心副主任,深圳市孔雀团队核心成员。2011年至2016年间,先后于美国麻省理工学院,新加坡南洋理工大学,新加坡科技与设计大学,沙特阿普杜拉国王科技大学从事研究工作。长期致力于纳米光电材料的研究。以纳米材料的合成制备作为坚实的研究基础,对其基础物理及化学特性深入分析,开发其在光电子器件、新能源及等方面的应用。目前已发表学术论文100余篇,其中第一作者及通讯作者论文发表20余篇。总引用次数大于13,000次,有20余篇论文单篇他人引用超过100次, H-Index 40。所发表的论文多见于国际一流期刊包含:Science,Chemical Society Reviews, Advanced Materials, Nano Letters, ACS Nano, Nano EnergyPhysical Review LettersPhysical Review BNano TodaySmall 等等。著有专著章节2篇:Chapter 3 Photoelectrical Responses of Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Composites, in 《Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Composites》Editor: Dimitrios Tasis, Royal Society of Chemistry ;Chapter 19 Synthesis of Transition metal dichalcogenides in《2D Materials》 edited by Phaedon Avouris, Tony Heinz and Tony Low, Cambridge University Press。研发的六角氮化硼可控合成技术已获得美国专利1项。研究成果多次被国际知名媒体及学术刊物重点报道如MIT News (Aug. 23, 2012 MIT News Office article)等。曾获2013  新加坡工程协会卓越工程成就奖 (IES Prestigious Engineering Achievement Award);2013  新加坡陈嘉庚青年发明奖 (Tan Kah Kee Young Inventors' Award);2009  国家优秀自费留学生奖学金 (国家留学基金委);2005  京东方中和奖学金等



2016 11-    今          深圳大学 特聘教授, 中国深圳,2016年“国家海外高层次人才项目”(青年项目)

2016 04-2016 11     深圳大学         教授, 中国深圳

2014---2016            研究科学家:King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST),沙特

2012---2014            博士后:Singapore University of Technology and Design(SUTD),MIT-SUTD IDC,新加坡

2011---2012            博士后:Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT),美国

2010---2011            博士后:Nanyang technological University (NTU),新加坡

2007---2011            博士学位:Nanyang technological University (NTU),新加坡

2011---04-09          访问学者:台湾中央研究院,中国台湾

Dr. Shi’s research experience is highly interdisciplinary. He has been exposed to various fields of materials science and engineering including organic and inorganic semiconducting electronics (OPV, OLED and FETs), sensors (Gas-sensing, Bio-sensing and Photo-sensing), and chemical vapor deposition (for graphene, h-BN and MoS2). He has obtained 1 USA patent and published more than 60 research papers in prestigious academic journals including Science, Chem Soc Rev, Nano Today, Nano Letters, ACS Nano, Small, Journal of Materials Chemistry, Journal of physical chemistry C, Organic electronics, Physical Review B and Applied physics letters.


2016-Now  Obtained Research Faculty Positions under “1000 Young Talent” Program
2009-2010 Chinese Government Award For Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad (Singapore)
2005-2006 BOE Award for Outstanding Graduate Students
2004-2005 Scholarship Award for Excellent Graduate Students of Beijing Jiaotong University
2000-2001 Scholarship Award for Excellent Undergraduate Students of Beijing Jiaotong University

Researcher ID

Review Editors: Frontiers in Energy Research, Section Nanoenergy Technologies and Materials

Reviewer for the following journals: Nature Communication, Scientific Reports, Advanced Materials, Nano Letters, ACS Nano, JACS, Nanoscale, Thin Solid Films, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Electrochemistry Communications, Energy & Fuels, and et al



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